Title bar

The bar on the top of the app window is the Title bar. It primarily provides general functions, such as window controls, access to settings, and quick access to the REAPER transport.

window title bar 0

Close window

Closes the app window.

This has the same effect as pressing Close App.

Full screen

Toggles between full-screen and windowed mode.

Move window

Drag this button to move the window. Useful when the window is very narrow, in which case the main drag area in the center will disappear.

Toggle navigation bar

Shows or hides the navigation bar on the left.

Theme mode

Switches between dark, light, and automatic theme modes. In automatic mode, the app will follow your system’s theme settings.


Toggles between a transparent and opaque window. Useful for quickly having a look what REAPER is doing under the hood ;)

The opacity of the opaque window can be adjusted via Dim opacity dim opacity.


Opens the central settings dialog.


Refreshes the displayed information.

Pressing this button is typically not required during normal operation. However, if there are any issues preventing Helgobox from displaying the latest information automatically, this button can help resolve the problem.


Undoes the most recent operation performed within this Playtime matrix.


Redoes the most recent operation that was undone within this Playtime matrix.

Quick theme switcher

Cycle through all available themes.

Themes are simply pre-selected combinations of various appearance settings. Once you’ve selected a theme, you can further customize it by adjusting the settings.


Attempts to stops all currently playing MIDI notes. Whenever you experience hanging notes, press this button.

Save project

Saves the current REAPER project

Play arrangement

Starts playing the REAPER arrangement

Stop arrangement

Stops the REAPER arrangement

Pause arrangement

Pauses the REAPER arrangement


Shows a help menu

See Help menu.

Helgobox Info

Shows the version number of the controlled Helgobox plug-in as well as the numeric ID of the Helgobox instance to which this App window is connected.