Source "Stream Deck"
With this source, you can leverage your Stream Deck with ReaLearn, for example the Elgato Stream Deck MK.2. This includes reacting to buttons and sending key-concepts.adoc#feedback to the button displays.
This source is experimental. Behavioral changes are still possible! |
Supported devices
The following StreamDeck devices are currently supported:
Original v2
Revised Mini
Make sure that the official Stream Deck software is not running!
ReaLearn connects to your Stream Deck directly via USB. Only one software can connect to the device, so it’s either ReaLearn or the Stream Deck software.
If you use Stream Deck on Linux, you also need to explicitly allow normal users access to the device, otherwise ReaLearn won’t be able to connect to it.
1. Find the Vendor and Product ID
Plug in the Stream Deck and identify its vendor and product IDs:
Look for a line similar to:
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0fd9:0080 Elgato Systems GmbH
In this example, 0fd9
is the vendor ID, and 0080
is the product ID (these may vary).
2. Create a udev Rule
Create a new udev rule file in /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/99-streamdeck.rules
Add the following rule, replacing 0fd9
and 0080
with the correct vendor and product IDs if necessary:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0fd9", ATTR{idProduct}=="0080", MODE="0660", GROUP="plugdev"
KERNEL=="hidraw*", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0fd9", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0080", MODE="0660", GROUP="plugdev"
This rule sets permissions to 0660
, allowing the device owner and users in the plugdev
group access to the device with the specified vendor and product IDs.
User interface
Back menu
Allows you to choose the desired button backgrounds. Unlike the button foreground, the button background is always static. It doesn’t react to feedback value changes.
- Color
Uses a solid color as button background, by default black. You can change the color via Feedback style menu (…), that means the background color can even be dynamic, e.g. reflect the currently selected track’s color.
- Image
Uses a PNG image as button background.
The image should ideally be a square. If not, some parts of the image will not be visible. The ideal dimensions of that square depends on your specific device. On most Stream Decks, it’s 72x72 pixels. But ReaLearn will automatically scale the image. If in doubt, prefer larger image sizes. Scaling down gives you a better quality than scaling up.
If the image has transparent parts, the color defined in Feedback style menu (…) will shine through.
When picking images to be displayed on your Stream Deck, prefer images that are somewhere within your REAPER resource path (REAPER → Options → Show REAPER resource path in explorer/finder), e.g. toolbar icons. That makes ReaLearn save it as relative path, so your mapping becomes more portable (which is important if you want to share presets). |
Front menu
Allows you to choose the desired button foreground, if desired. A foreground is usually dynamic, that means it can change depending on the target value.
- None
No foreground. Choose this if all you want to display is a static background.
- Color fade
Paints a color over the background with an opacity that depends on the target value. For example, if the target value is at 10%, the color will be almost transparent. It will fade depending The color is defined in Feedback style menu (…).
- Image fade
Paints an image over the background with an opacity that depends on the target value. In terms of sizing, it behaves exactly like a background image.
- Image slide
Paints the portion of an image over the background. Which portion, depends on the target value. Landscape images slide horizontally, portrait images slide vertically.
This type of foreground is perfect for making use of REAPER’s toolbar images. They are actually sprites, that means they contain multipe images in one file, at different horizontal positions.
- Full bar
Paints a full-sized bottom-up half-transparent bar over the background, indicating the current target value.
Good in combination with targets that have a continuous range, such as Target "Track: Set volume" or Target "Track: Peak".
- Knob
Paints a knob over the background, indicating the current target value.
Default text field
Here you can enter static text that should be displayed over the background and foreground. ReaLearn will automatically choose a contrast color or dim the background so that the text always stays readable.
You can press … to enter multi-line text. ReaLearn supports up to 4 lines of text.
You can also display dynamic text from the target! See Feedback style menu (…).