Top section


This section provides the following mapping-related elements.

Name field

Here you can enter a descriptive name for the mapping. This is especially useful in combination with the search function if there are many mappings to keep track of.

If you clear the name, ReaLearn will name the mapping automatically based on its target.

Tags field

Use this to assign arbitrary mapping tags to this mapping (comma-separated).

Control-enabled checkbox (→)

Use this to enable/disable control for this mapping.

Feedback-enabled checkbox (←)

Use this to enable/disable feedback for this mapping.

Disabling both control and feedback has the same effect as disabling the mapping as a whole.

Active menu

This dropdown can be used to enable Conditional activation for this mapping.

Feedback menu


Makes ReaLearn send feedback whenever the target value changes. This is the recommended option in most cases.

Prevent echo feedback

This option mainly exists for motorized faders that don’t like getting feedback while being moved. If checked, ReaLearn won’t send feedback if the target value change was caused by incoming source events of this mapping. However, it will still send feedback if the target value change was caused by something else, e.g. a mouse action within REAPER itself.

Send feedback after control

This checkbox mainly exists for "fixing" controllers which allow their LEDs to be controlled via incoming MIDI/OSC but at the same time insist on controlling these LEDs themselves. For example, some Behringer X-Touch Compact buttons exhibit this behavior in MIDI mode. Such a behavior can lead to wrong LED states which don’t reflect the actual state in REAPER.

If this option is not selected (the normal case and recommended for most controllers), ReaLearn will send feedback to the controller only if the target value has changed. For example, if you use a button to toggle a target value on and off, the target value will change only when pressing the button, not when releasing it. As a consequence, feedback will be sent only when pressing the button, not when releasing it.

If this option is selected, ReaLearn will send feedback even after releasing the button - although the target value has not been changed by it.

Another case where this option comes in handy is if you use a target which doesn’t support proper feedback because REAPER doesn’t notify ReaLearn about value changes (e.g. "Track FX all enable"), and you have "Poll for feedback" disabled. By choosing this option, ReaLearn will send feedback whenever the target value change was caused by ReaLearn itself, which improves the situation at least a bit.

Show in projection checkbox

When unticked, this mapping will not show up in Projection. Useful e.g. for feedback-only mappings or buttons with multiple assignments.

Advanced settings button

This button is for experts. There are some advanced mapping-related settings in ReaLearn that are not adjustable via its graphical user interface but only by writing text-based configuration. Pressing this button should open a small window in which you can write the configuration for this mapping.

If the button label ends with a number, that number denotes the number of top-level configuration properties set for that mapping. That way you can immediately see if a mapping has advanced settings or not.

You can learn more about the available properties in the section Advanced settings dialog.

Find in mapping list button

Scrolls the mapping rows panel so that the corresponding mapping row for this mapping gets visible.