Advanced settings dialog

This dialog allows access to advanced configuration by entering text in the YAML configuration language. It can be opened using the Advanced settings button of the mapping panel.

See Advanced settings via YAML to learn why this feature exists and why YAML.

Expert level!

The YAML language

This is not a programming language, so you can’t write loops, conditions or anything like that. Instead, think of it as a language for writing configuration. Do you know INI files? REAPER uses INI files to save configuration. YAML is a bit like that, just much more expressive because it allows you to not only express flat key-value pairs (e.g. edit_fontsize=29) but also deeply nested configuration data and lists.

YAML is indentation-sensitive

Indentation matters! The bright side of this is that it always looks clean. The dark side is that ReaLearn will refuse to save your settings if you messed up the indentation.

Therefore: Be consistent with your indentation (e.g. use always an indentation of 2 spaces for nesting) and have an utmost attention to detail when doing copy and paste from the examples in this section!

Verbatim text is not saved

When you close the text editor and ReaLearn saves your advanced settings as part of the mapping, it will not save the text that you have entered verbatim. It will save a structural representation of what you entered. Plus, it will strip comments!. That means if you open the advanced settings again, your text could look a bit different, in particular it can have a different formatting. But don’t worry, it means exactly the same to ReaLearn.

Supported configuration properties

In this section you will find examples that cover all currently supported configuration properties. You can copy and paste the stuff you need to the text editor, remove the parts that you don’t need and adjust the rest. Comments (lines starting with #) will be removed automatically.

Mapping lifecycle actions

ReaLearn allows you to define MIDI messages to be sent to the output whenever a mapping turns active or inactive. See Mapping activation state.

Example use cases:

  • Accessing device-specific features via system-exclusive MIDI messages.

  • Choosing a different LED color/style depending on the active mapping.

  • Initializing a sys-ex-controllable display with some mapping-specific text (more difficult).

These are the available configuration properties:

# Contains stuff to be done whenever this mapping becomes active.
  # A list of MIDI messages to be sent to the output when this mapping becomes active.
  # At the moment, only messages of type "raw" are supported. Although this covers all possible types
  # of MIDI messages, it's a bit hard to express e.g. simple NOTE ON or CC messages with this notation.
  # In particular, you would need to know how MIDI messages are presented as byte sequences. Future ReaLearn
  # versions will provide more convenient ways to describe simple MIDI messages.
    # This is an example of a system-exclusive message ("SysEx"). It's usually expressed in hexadecimal string
    # notation. Make sure to include the leading F0 and trailing F7, which is the begin and end marker of all
    # system-exclusive messages!
    - raw: F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 02 00 10 77 01 F7
    # Instead of above hexadecimal string notation, you could also use an array of decimal numbers to describe a raw
    # message. The following is a NOTE ON of note 74 on channel 1 with velocity 100.
    - raw:
        # NOTE ON on channel 1
        - 144
        # Note number 74
        - 74
        # Note velocity 100
        - 100

# Contains stuff to be done whenever this mapping becomes inactive.
  # A list of MIDI messages to be sent to the output when this mapping becomes inactive.
    # Supports exactly the same kinds of messages as described above in "on_activate".
    - raw: F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 02 00 10 77 14 F7

Please remember that YAML comments (e.g. # The following line does this and that) will not be saved! In case you want to explain something, you need to write it as YAML property, such as in the following example:

comment: "The following configuration makes the rightmost pad of the MiniLab mkII light up in red color."
    - raw: F0 00 20 6B 7F 42 02 00 10 77 01 F7

ReaLearn will ignore any unknown properties.

If you use input MIDI: <FX input> and find that MIDI lifecycle messages aren’t sent, no matter what, make sure "Send feedback only if track armed" is disabled (see Unit options)!
Disabling the complete ReaLearn instance will cause all mappings in all units of that instance to deactivate. However, sending MIDI messages on deactivation in this case will only work if the output is a device! If it is MIDI: <FX output>, it will not send anything because REAPER will not give that ReaLearn instance any chance to output MIDI messages once it’s disabled. Instead, the MIDI message will queue up and be sent once you enable that instance again …​ which is probably not what you want.

Open in text editor button (Windows and Linux only)

Opens the settings in the system text editor or whatever program is associated with YAML files. It depends on your system setup if this works or not. If it does and if your text editor is good, this can make editing larger YAML snippets more convenient (e.g. by providing syntax highlighting).

As soon as you save the file and close the editor, the text will automatically appear in the "Advanced settings" text area.

Help button

Will open an online version of the user guide section that describes the available configuration properties.