Target "ReaLearn: Enable/disable instances"
This target allows you to flexibly enable or disable other ReaLearn instances based on the unit tags of their units.
Exclusivity menu
- Non-exclusive
If the incoming control value is greater than 0%, all matching ReaLearn instances will be enabled (on top of the already enabled instances). If the value is 0%, all matching ReaLearn instances will be disabled.
- Exclusive
If the incoming control value is greater than 0%, all matching ReaLearn instances will be enabled and all non-matching ones will be disabled. If the value is 0%, it’s exactly the opposite (react to button press only if you don’t want this to happen).
- Exclusive (on only)
Variation of Exclusive that applies exclusivity only if the incoming control value is greater than 0%.
Tags field
A ReaLearn instance matches when at least one of its units is tagged with any of the unit tags entered into this field (comma-separated).
This affects other ReaLearn units only. It doesn’t match against this unit.
ReaLearn instances which don’t contain units with tags won’t be affected at all.
Only affects instances in the same project. If this ReaLearn instance is on the monitoring FX chain, it only affects other instances in the monitoring FX chain.
This target is great for switching between completely different controller setups! |