Bottom section


Unit menu

Press the button will reveal a menu with the following actions to manage Units:

Remove current unit

Removes the current unit. This can’t be undone!

List of units

Switch to an arbitrary unit by clicking on it.

Add unit

Adds a new unit within this instance. The new unit will automatically be named after the randomly-generated unit key. You can change the name by pressing the Unit data… button.

Info area

In the center you can see the info area, made up of 3 rows:

Row 1
Row 2
  • Information about the current Unit track and Unit FX.

  • Information whether control and/or feedback is currently inactive unit-wide.

Row 3
  • Information about what version of Helgobox is running.

Unit data… button

Press this button to change various key-value data of this ReaLearn unit as a whole.

Unit key…

Allows you to change the Unit key of this Unit.

Unit name

The display name of this Unit.


Lets you assign Unit tag to this Unit as a comma-separated list.