Matrix playback settings
You will see this when selecting the Matrix cell .
Basics ⊖
Start timing
Decides when a clip actually starts playing after you have triggered its playback.
This setting applies to all clips in the matrix, but it can be overridden at column and clip level.
See Start timing.
Stop timing
Decides when a clip actually stops playing after you have triggered its stop.
This setting applies to all clips in the matrix, but it can be overridden at column and clip level.
See Stop timing.
Trigger mode
Choose between different modes of triggering slots.
This setting applies to all clips in the matrix, but it can be overridden at column level.
See Trigger mode.
Velocity sensitivity

Adjusts how much the velocity of an incoming control message (e.g. MIDI note) affects the clip volume when triggering a slot.
This setting applies to all clips in the matrix, but it can be overridden at column and clip level.
See Velocity sensitivity.
Transport synchronization

Partial transport synchronization means that starting playback in Playtime doesn’t start playback of REAPER’s arrangement. You can click this button to switch to Full transport synchronization, then starting playback in Playtime will start REAPER playback as well.
MIDI quantization grid

Which grid to use when quantizing MIDI clips within Playtime.
See Quantize .
If you want more advanced quantization options, do quantization in REAPER’s MIDI editor instead. |
More ⊖
Time stretch mode
Defines which kind of time stretching / pitch shifting algorithm to use on audio clips.
This setting applies to all clips in the matrix, but it can be overridden at column and clip level.
See Time stretch mode.
Resample mode

Defines which kind of resampling algorithm to use on audio clips.
This setting applies to all clips in the matrix, but it can be overridden at column and clip level.
See Resample mode.